August, 20

    Question : Why is it that so many young people want to be older, and so many older people want to be young? How do you feel about your age?

    Younger people want to be older to be seen as more mature and responsible. Some may want to be older in order to work and earn their own money, be able to live in on their own, or any other adult like subject that seems fun and exciting in their eyes. They mainly just want to be older or seen as an older individual in order to stop being nagged at by others and have freedom in their lives without someone looking over their shoulders at all times. However older people want to be younger in order to reclaim their youthful, energetic, and stronger self they used to have. Some may just want to look younger or not have as many responsibilities like taxes. As for me I feel stuck in the middle. I don't want to be younger as I would get less freedom in my life and don't want to be as old as to miss out on the teenage years of my life, but old enough to be able to work and earn my own money. In general I just want to stay and live my life with how I am.

August, 21

    Question : Why is love such an important theme in music, poetry, short stories, novels, and movies? Why are people so interested in love- and so often bad at loving?

    Love is an important theme in music, poetry, short stories, novels, and movies because people can relate to the subject so easily as most people have fallen in love and have been curious about it at least once in their lives. Another reason is that people are captivated by the concept of love and finding your "true love" as it is most commonly written and told about. Because most movies, books, novels, etc... show the good unproblematic sides of love people think that loving is easy and not hard at all to find. The ones that do show those problematic side usually end up working themselves out at the end which in most cases are unrealistic solutions and coincidences that wont happen. When in reality love is complex and takes more than expected, because everyone loves differently and love has no guide to it.

September, 16

    Question : Can a person love someone or something to much?

    People can love someone or something  to much. A person can be attached to objects and not want to get rid of them. Those who get attached to multiple objects no matter how useless it is are called hoarders and wont let go of them as they easily get emotionally attached to them. Some may get too protective and possessive of a person or object they love, but they may go overboard with it at times and step over the boundaries. While some may be jealous of every person who interacts or has a relation to the person they love and could get out of control. For example they may mess and manipulate the person they love or their surrounding friends and family in order to make them stay with them and need/ depend on them. This in turn can lead to stalking them, threatening others, or breaking into properties. There are many cases that involve break ins and even murders due to the apparent "love". I would just consider that an obsession at that point.



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