I normally meet people from classes and school, but most of the time I end up meeting new friends and people through my friends. I build the relationship most often when we come across one another. Some more online as they live further away or live somewhere completely different. I have made friends purely online through games however, those friendships didn't last a long as others as people meet others and grow tired of you. Most of my long term friends have been made all through the course of 3-5 years. I have however at times made friends through my friends, like the one I made during the pandemic when playing Among Us/Minecraft.
If I where to see a giant spider walking in front of me across my floor I would honestly be confused and wonder if its a spider of a cockroach, then once I find out what it is I would capture it and take it out or keep it as a tiny pet. I wouldn't smash it unless I get startled by it and smacked it on accident. I however wouldn't leave it alone completely as I would not like a spider infestation at may house. I would feel more reliefed leaving it outside alive because it would probably feed some other animal.
People depend so much on push notifications because of how helpful they are. Push notifications tell us when something starts, was posted, or when to do something. Of course we can do all that by ourselves, but it will have a delay in time. For example you could be doing all your teachers homework and be your busy concentrating on it that you end up forgetting and overlooking another teachers homework assignment. This would in the best case end up with you doing it before deadline or it can also end up a late assignment. Push notifications are helpful in this way as they don't overlook anything unless you tell them to.
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