Life is unfair in many ways, whether it be how rich you are or how your body functions. People are born in many different kinds of families that will determine your view on how it is to live. What led to the French Revolution was the drought and poor grain harvest. This in turn led to the rising price of bread and food. Due to this the rich could afford as much as possible while the poor where left with little to nothing due to their circumstance of where they stood money wise. The people began to revolt against their king and executed him for it as they where left with little to no food while their king got to get as much as they want. They thought raising the price of bread was the solution to their problems and taught they would be okay while not taking into consideration those who cant afford bread. When instead they could have been rationing the food out to let them all be feed. What led to the revolution was truly the greed and ignorance of the rich.
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