1. The book I read was City of Ashes  by Cassandra Clare, being the second installment in The Mortal Instruments series. The plot of the book is basically Valentine trying to get the Soul Sword which is a mortal instrument. He did so by killing the silent brothers which where a special union of shadow hunters. Later Clary and the other shadow hunters (Alec and Izzy) went to investigate what happened to the silent brothers, finding them all dead. Jace being imprisoned there by the Inquisitor was found by Clary and the rest. After being freed the inquisitor finds them and accuses Jace of helping Valentine in the massacre of the Silent Brothers. Jace ends up having to stay with Magnus as a prisoner later being called to the Seelie queens court with Clary, Simon, and the others where they try getting her help in defeating valentine. There Clary and her friends where made prisoners and could only escape by kissing either Simon or Jace which in choice she chose Jace and Simon was hurt so he ended up running away. Simon was fully turned into a vampire. Clary revealed she could make new runes never before seen. Jace ended up running away secretly from the group to meet Valentine and planed a deal with him to protect his loved ones but the Inquisitor found out and imprisoned him again planning to use him as a trade for the Soul Sword. Simon got his blood drained and was near death but got saved by Jace by letting him take some of his blood. Clary was kidnaped by a demon and was brought to Valentines ship where a battle begun. After the battle Sunrise was among them and Simon was presumed dead but then they found out Jaces blood allowed him to come in contact with the daylight. After the commotion Clary was told info about how to awake her sleeping mother from a spell. The book cuts off and continues the story in the next book.

2. From what I could gather the theme of this book is no matter what situation your put in you'll be able to manage a way around it, but along the way there may be some sacrifices and betrayals that have to be made.

3. Based on the authors tone she seems be an early morning person that enjoys a morning coffee or tea with homey food like pancakes or like the food on Instagram. She seems like she does home yoga in the mornings and enjoys just taking a break. To me the author seems like a very warm morning esthetic kind of person. I specifically thing this as the main character Clary seems a lot like this.

4. One major foreshadowing in the book was the relationship between Clary and Jace. Since the beginning and even in the previous book it was clear that Jace and Clary wont be able to be in a lover relationship. Imagery is also used in the book and its used a lot. Imagery is used whenever describing any sort of environment/surroundings in the story. My personal favorite was the Seelie world. Demons in this world and valentine were personified as darkness in the world. The shadow hunters and mostly the angels are personified as lightness and greatness/divine. The allusion of New York is also in this book a lot as they do mention and describe a lot of places in New York that the main characters head to.


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