
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2020


In this chapter we got to see the bishop in a different light. Besides his usual calm self we got to see him being cold and saw his emotions get to him a bit when talking to the old man. It was quiet interesting to see him acting like this and realizing it afterwards. The whole conversation was somewhat understandable to me however so I'm not to sure about what happened exactly, but to me it seems as if the bishop was surprised at himself and it made him rethink of things for a moment. For once the bishop was judgmental.


What really surprised me was that we got to see what Madame Baptistine thought about and saw her perspective of things. She speaks of her brother as brave as the Bishop keeps going into danger. She fears losing her brother as she sees them as one and wouldn't have anything without him. This shows she truly cares for him and thinks of him as an idol or truly good person. I would like to see more characters perspectives in the story as it adds more to the world and makes it seem more diverse in contrast to just sticking to the Bishop.


 So far reading Les Mis I haven't been all that interested in it. I find it hard to come across books like Les Mis where I find the book interesting, which is mainly due to my interest in more action based and fantasy books. Even with some fantasy and action books I still find it hard to like due to my disinterest in the world and characters. Especially characters, since a boring character would in turn make the whole story a bore. But so far in Les Mis the character is the thing I like most, more specifically the Bishop. So far its interesting how a kind, loving, and fair man with the title of bishop uses his power. Most in his situation at the time would be the typical side character whether it be a good or evil one, but the bishop is more like the hero who brings a helping hand to everyone in need. The three techniques that Victor Hugo's used was indirect characterization, second person/setting, and foreshadowing. Indirect characterization was a huge part of why I like the B...


 We open with the senator who from what is said at first seems full of himself and sees himself wise and above all the rest. He however was friendly with the bishop and seemed to enjoy his presence. Later saying that he had a separate philosophy from the one of the bishop. Explaining to the bishop that he and him should be above everyone and have whatever they want. Not needing to worry about the poor as they would never be able to get to there level of privilege's. The bishop retaliated back in a respectful manner to the senator. He told him that that the philosophy he had is unfair as it is unaccusable to the poor and only to the rich. He basically told him that he was a bigot.


Cravatte  was a robber with a pack of bandits that laid waist to the country side which is where the bishop arrived. The bishop was warned to go back, but he declined and kept on going to visit a town up ahead which he had not visited in 3 years. He declined to go back as he didn't wanna be seen as a coward and was determine to talk to them about god. The bishop proceed to go and was guided there by a child safely. The bishop was a person of habit. Cravatte eventually ended up giving all that he stole to the bishop by sending it to him in a chest. The bishop returned with all the goods and contemplated on whether to give it to the cathedral or the hospital. The bishop was a kind man who trusted in god and in people and giving on to others.


Reading is supposed to be fun, but sometimes reading for school is a challenge. Here are four ways we can have more fun reading and do it better at the same time. Reading the books you like/love and seeking a better understanding of those that you do not like/love are two very helpful way to have more fun while reading. Reconsidering how you define the word read  and stopping to look for answers on the page are the other two that will help you have more fun while reading and take the task feeling off your back.


10/6/2020      I normally meet people from classes and school, but most of the time I end up meeting new friends and people through my friends. I build the relationship most often when we come across one another. Some more online as they live further away or live somewhere completely different. I have made friends purely online through games however, those friendships didn't last a long as others as people meet others and grow tired of you. Most of my long term friends have been made all through the course of 3-5 years. I have however at times made friends through my friends, like the one I made during the pandemic when playing Among Us/Minecraft. 10/7/2020     If I where to see a giant spider walking in front of me across my floor I would honestly be confused and wonder if its a spider of a cockroach, then once I find out what it is I would capture it and take it out or keep it as a tiny pet.  I wouldn't smash it unless I get startled by it ...


 The bishop had a house that was peaceful and small. He didn't need a use for many things so he kept it simple other than a few things like his set of silverware. He did allow some luxury however as long as it didn't take from the poor. One chamber however was super clean and was the few of the luxuries they had. The bishop liked the things he had however and tried to make them last as long as possible, to the point of having sewn old curtains they had in order to prevent from buying new ones. He had some parts of his house like the used to be pharmacy of the hospital did turn into a dinning kitchen and cellar. The rest of the house was quite plain other than their garden in which they grew vegetables. The bishop had a lot of trust in people as to not have locks which could have led to robbing's of his home.


 The Bishop spent all his time helping and doing work and the little time he had he spent helping and tending to the sick. He was basically beloved by all and was seen as a reliable person as people would point out his house to people in need of help, and the Bishop gladly did so. He spent the little time he had enjoying life and bettering himself. This didn't mean he surrounded himself with goods, but instead he focused on tasks like gardening and as he called it gardening of the mind. This meant he was very prone to ideas and new thoughts. The bishop didn't live a luxurious life and lived it quite commonly as he enjoyed it this way. Even though he barely had time for himself he still enjoyed his life as he was able to help others in need.


 I have mixed feeling about reading in my personal opinion. I like to read but I still resent it as it was forced on me. At first I did love to read books as I was normally shy and didn't like to talk to others so I would instead bury myself in a book. I did and still do love the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series and love how its written. After a while teachers started assigning work like reading logs where it was mandatory for us to read and write a report on it. Sometimes it was fun to write it, but it still felt like it was mandatory work. Sometimes they needed us to read a book in a certain amount of time and graded us on how many we read. I didn't like this as it set a time period for me to have to finish the book and felt like I needed to do it by force for my grade. This took the fun in reading as I constantly saw it as a daily task and not a hobby. The recommendations given in the post "How We Read" are trying to understand the books we don't like, think about h...

Why I Choose What I Choose

 The book I choose for my literature analysis was the book City of Ashes  by Cassandra Clare. I choose this book because I already read the previous book City of Bones  and watched the show Shadowhunter's show on Freeform. I really like fantasy and action books like the Shadowhunter's especially if it has a sense of reality in it and isn't totally fantasy I like it to seem as if it can exist irl.

I CAN READ! (well kinda) :D

I made 19 mistakes Preston made 2 ( I think I'm not sure) my time: 5:33 Preston time: 4:29 


1. What is the difference between a sign and a symbol?  The difference between a sign and a symbol is that the sign is a form of communication made on purpose with a meaning while the symbol represents something or is an indication / warning of something ..  2. What are the three elements of the symbolic relationship (the "blue triangle of meaning")? The three elements of the symbolic relationship are the symbol, referent, and perception and thought of the interpreter. 3. Is a word a sign or a symbol? Why? A  word is a symbol as it is given a meaning behind it. other wise we would barely know what was going on.   4. Describe one natural sign that you've seen in the world.   A sign that I've seen in the world would be the orange sky and ash rain as it showed indications of a fire that has existed or still did. 5. Describe one symbol you've seen in the world. What (referent) did it stand for? How did you know what it meant? . A symbol I've seen in the world is t...


Life is unfair in many ways, whether it be how rich you are or how your body functions. People are born in many different kinds of families that will determine your view on how it is to live. What led to the French Revolution was the drought and poor grain harvest. This in turn led to the rising price of bread and food. Due to this the rich could afford as much as possible while the poor where left with little to nothing due to their circumstance of where they stood money wise. The people began to revolt against their king and executed him for it as they where left with little to no food while their king got to get as much as they want. They thought raising the price of bread was the solution to their problems and taught they would be okay while not taking into consideration those who cant afford bread. When instead they could have been rationing the food out to let them all be feed. What led to the revolution was truly the greed and ignorance of the rich.


 The bishop was happy and friendly while talking and laughed like a young boy. He was willing to make fun of himself by commenting on his height. His mother boasted about the heritage they where about to get. A young vicor came into the cathedral to pray for the rich to give to the poor to get into paradise (heaven). A merchant gave a penny to 6 people thinking he would win paradise while the bishop stood by and stayed silent to watch. Marquis de Champterceir  was an old greedy man trying to make a fake persona for himself in order to impress others and then the bishop came to him and asked him to send to him the poor people that he was helping because he didn't trust him. The bishop thought that it was unfair to the poor for the rich to have so much and the peasants to have little to nothing. He familiarized himself to the dialect of the south and spoke like one of them to make them feel welcome and treated everyone the same and made them all feel welcomed. He then continued ...


 So, why did Victor Hugo write Les Misérables? Victor Hugo wrote Les Mis in because he saw unfairness between the wealthy and the poor. Despite there wealth he also saw that both still suffered in different ways and wrote Les Mis in order to show the ignorance and poverty in the world that al sides suffer regardless. He wrote Les Mis for this exact reason because he noticed that books like Les Mis open people to the other side. For those who are rich to appreciate their belonging and for those who are poor to get out of the mentality that money and wealth will make all your problems go away.